Get Involved with ICAAP

Membership and Support

ICAAP gains its strength from membership and membership dues have always provided the foundation for our activities. Any person (physicians, dentists, nurses, allied health professionals, and non-health professionals) interested in the health of Illinois' children are invited to join ICAAP. Your membership helps ICAAP to provide the community outreach needed for immunizations, medical homes, oral health, obesity prevention, housing, adolescent health, child abuse and neglect, childhood literacy, and more! Pediatricians, Pediatric Sub-specialists and Pediatric Dentists in all stages of training are invited to join ICAAP and are also encouraged to join the national American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Membership Dues
Membership Level Information Price
Fellow Membership Fellow, Honorary Fellow or Specialty Fellow of the AAP Fellow members may serve on committees, vote and hold elective office. $225
Candidate Fellow Membership Candidate Fellow of the AAP May serve on committees but not vote or hold elective office. $225
Associate Membership Pediatric dentists who are Associate Members of the AAP Associate members may serve on committees, vote and hold office. $225
Affiliate Membership All healthcare professionals (Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Nurses, etc.) and Physicians who are not members of AAP $225
Emeritus/Retired Membership Must be an emeritus or retired member of the AAP Emeritus and Retired members may vote and serve on committees but not hold elective office. $150
Resident / Physician in Training For those providers who are starting out in their career $25
Student Membership Student (Medical, Public Health, etc.) Free

Not a member of the AAP? You can still join ICAAP as a Chapter Affiliate member! Any person who is not a member of the national AAP but demonstrates an interest in the health care of children may join ICAAP as an affiliate member.


Chapter Committees

Committees undertake projects in education, publication, advocacy, and in other areas of child healthcare, well-being and safety. Please see below for more information about active ICAAP committees.


Chapter Committees

Committee on Breastfeeding
Co-Chairs: Krystal Revai, MD, MPH, FAAP, FABM & Cindy Rubin, MD, IBCLC, FAAP

Committee on Children with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities
Chair: Edith Chernoff, MD, FAAP 

Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect
Co-Chairs: Veena Ramaiah, MD, FAAP and Kathy Swafford, MD, FAAP

Committee on CME and QI
Chair: Joseph Hageman, MD, FAAP 

Committee on Early Childhood
Co-Chairs: Mark Minier, MD, and Reshma Shah, MD, MPH, FAAP

Educational Conferences Planning Committee 
Co-Chairs:  Deanna Behrens, MD, FAAP and Karen Lui, MD, FAAP 

Committee on Government Affairs
Chair: Eddie Pont, MD, FAAP

Committee on Immunizations
Chair: Craig Batterman, MD, FAAP

Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention
Chair: Poj Lysouvakon, MD, FAAP

Committee on Pediatric Mental Health
Chair: Mary Dobbins, MD, FAAP

Committee on School Health
Chair: Cindy Mears, MD, FAAP

Reach Out & Read Illinois 
Chair: Mariana Glusman, MD, FAAP

Refugee and Immigrant Child Health Initiative
Chair: Minal Giri, MD, FAAP


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Annual Education Conference

We Educate

  • Provided members with access to exclusive online and in-person CME opportunities at an average of three per month
  • Create evergreen courses and lessons that can be accessed by pediatricians on our Learning Management System
  • Cross-promote opportunities that provide providers and clinicis with new resources and information
Annual Education Conference

We Advocate

  • Amplify the voices of clinicians on critical public health issues including firearm safety, immunizations, children’s mental health, and more
  • Hold member-only events to connect legislators with providers and ensure pediatric concerns are heard and understood and that science is used in decision-making
  • Recognize and highlight public policy that benefit children, communities, and clinicians

We Network

  • Host in-person events, headlined by an Annual Conference, to create avenues for information sharing and connection
  • Create and house issue-specific committees to allow for science-driven discussion and action on critical needs facing our communities
  • Provide several different online communication vehicles that connect pediatricians with news and update relevant to their work and interests

We Lead

  • From vaccinations to adolescent mental health, ICAAP competes for federal funding to provide up-to-the-minute info and programming
  • ICAAP runs the state Reach Out and Read program, promoting literacy and relational health
  • Create pathways for members to learn about and attain new career and volunteer opportunities