Illinois Pediatrician

Illinois Pediatrician is a publication for ICAAP members and is published twice yearly. Some of the topics in these issues include project reports, clinical updates, advocacy overviews, and more. If you have suggested topics and are interested in submitting an article for inclusion, please contact Cindy Ogrin.

ICAAPlets Weekly Email

ICAAPlets is ICAAP's weekly email update to members and friends sent every Wednesday. Topics include advocacy updates, CME opportunities, upcoming events, recent news in pediatric health and more.

Statements and Press Releases

From time to time, ICAAP will react to news items or proactively send out press releases to the media regarding upcoming ICAAP events, and ongoing projects. To access to previous media releases from ICAAP, please contact Cindy Ogrin.

Recent Statements:

In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month, the chair of ICAAP's Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect, Dr. Veena Ramaiah, wrote this piece on Medical Child Abuse (MCA). In this piece, Dr. Ramaiah shares updates and resources about MCA that can be used by providers to deepen their understanding of the issue and learn more about diagnosis and treatment.


At the end of December 2023, ICAAP responded to news that a migrant child who had been dropped off in Chicago passed away while living in a city-run shelter. Our statement aimed to recognize the challenges facing public health officials while pushing for changes that would help serve migrant children.


At the beginning of September 2023, ICAAP recognized Suicide Prevention Month with this press release, sharing information about ways that providers and parents can help recognize and prevent cases of pediatric suicide.

Members in the News:

Deanna Behrens, MD, FAAP and Chair of ICAAP'S Firearms Violence Prevention Committee, wrote this op-ed on gun safety that was published in the Chicago Sun-Times. In this piece, Dr. Behrens stresses that 'gun safety begins at home' and explains the need for safe gun storage to prevent as many deaths and injuries as possible:

"Not every death due to guns can be prevented by secure storage, but a lot of them might be. When the medical field thinks about firearms from a public health viewpoint, we often break it down into three rough categories: unintentional shootings, suicides and homicides. It is important to remember that no matter the mechanism, every one of these deaths is a tragedy, and that every one of them might have been preventable."

- Dr. Deanna Behrens, MD, FAAP

Chicago Sun-Times: Deanna Behrens: To save childrens’ lives, safe gun storage must become a priority

ICAAP Members in the Media

Town Halls

New in 2024 is ICAAP's Town Hall series, an opportunity for ICAAP members and leaders to discuss critical issues, strategic direction, and other facets of the organization.

ICAAP Financial Information

View ICAAP’s recent financial information:

Fiscal Year 2023 Audit and 990

Fiscal Year 2022 Audit and 990