Mental Health

Mental Health Expanding Illinois’ Statewide Mental Health Programs and Services Together ICAAP is collaborating with the Illinois Department of Public Health, Office of Women’s Health, and Family Services (IDPH, OWHFS), Illinois Title V Maternal and Child Health Program (IL Title V), and Illinois DocAssist (IDA) to expand Illinois’ existing statewide mental health programs and services.…

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Oral Health

Oral Health Working Together to Improve the Oral Health of Children in IL Maintaining a healthy mouth and teeth is an important component of the overall health and wellbeing of children. At the Illinois Chapter of the Academy of Pediatrics, we seek to provide updated resources, training, and tools to empower our state’s providers to…

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Programs Helping Pediatric Professionals Stay Up to Date ICAAP had developed and continues to evolve a number of programs dedicated to helping pediatric professionals stay up to date with the latest issues affecting pediatric populations throughout Illinois. These initiatives are identified by need and supported through state, federal, or private funding and are administered by…

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Immunizations Immunizations ICAAP, in collaboration with the Illinois Department of Public Health and local health departments, is committed to helping pediatric professionals implement immunization best practices in clinical and hospital settings.  We offer CME/CE approved education to public health providers, university hospitals and clinics, medical universities, and nursing and medical assistant programs through materials, webinars,…

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Education Empowering Pediatricians Through Opportunities for Continuing Education The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to providing education-based programming designed to help our members pursue continuing education. As an accredited organization, we provide curriculum, programs, and events approved for CME, CE, and maintenance of certification credits. Continuing Medical Education/CME Continuing Education/CE…

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Promoting child, youth, and family well-being and access to quality healthcare through advocacy and member support. Medicaid Redetermination Resources & Important Communications Our Guiding Principles on Bias Awareness and Anti-Racism Emerging Issues Webpage: Updates and Resources The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (ICAAP) We are an organization of over 2,000 pediatricians in…

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Breastfeeding Human milk provides recognized health benefits for lactating parent and child. Infants that are formula fed are at risk for increased incidence of numerous infectious childhood diseases, SIDS, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and childhood obesity. Breastfeeding/chestfeeding reduces the incidence of postpartum bleeding, breast and ovarian cancer, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.…

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Childhood Nutrition Security

Illinois Partnership for Childhood Nutrition Security The purpose of the Childhood Nutrition Security Project is to foster collaboration between pediatricians, state food delivery, and family support partners to improve pediatrician food insecurity screening, referral mechanisms, and resource delivery to families. The Partnership will create and implement a collective impact plan to advance childhood nutrition in…

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Job Openings at ICAAP

    Career Opportunities     There are no current openings on ICAAP. Please check back soon . Why Work at ICAAP? At ICAAP, we work hard to promote child, youth, and family well-being, but we also work hard to promote the well-being of out staff. We complete meaningful work every day and are part…

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Early Intervention

Early Intervention Early Intervention in Illinois is a statewide program that provides supports and services for families to help their children under age 3 meet developmental milestones. The Illinois Chapter’s Early Childhood Committee identified Early Intervention (EI) referral processes as a top priority for pediatrician engagement. The Committee is actively working to collaborate with state…

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