Collaborative on Child Homelessness – Illinois

Collaborative on Child Homelessness – Illinois (COCHI)  A multi-disciplinary, multi-organizational coalition with the purpose of improving health outcomes for young children, families, and pregnant persons experiencing housing insecurity by increasing capacity and fair access to housing through a deliberate racial equity and justice lens. The Collaborative broadly defines housing insecurity to include both those who…

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Improving Access to Care for Children in Immigrant Families

Improving Access to Care for Children in Immigrant Families (IAC) Supported through the AAP Healthy People 2020 Grant Programs for Global Health, the pilot project addresses the Healthy People 2020 AH-6 objective of reducing the proportion of individuals who are unable to obtain or delay in obtaining necessary medical care, dental care, or prescription medicines.…

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First Steps: Improving Child Health and Housing

FIRST STEPS: IMPROVING CHILD HEALTH AND HOUSING Works to prevent and mitigate child health risks associated with house insecurity with a specific focus on children ages 0 to 6 and pregnant persons. With the generous support of Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute  First Steps in the News Closing the affordable housing gap Interview by…

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Social Media Posts

SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Download Images 1-5 Download Images 11-15 Download Images 21-25 Download Images 6-10 Download Images 16-20 Download Images 26-31

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Midwest Human Rights Consortium

MIDWEST HUMAN RIGHTS CONSORTIUM The Midwest Human Rights Consortium (MHRC) is a referral network of multi-institutional and interdisciplinary professionals who perform trauma-informed forensic evaluations for individuals seeking asylum in the U.S that operates under the Refugee Immigrant Child Health Initiative (RICHI). New MHRC Website New MHRC Website Referral Form Referring Clients to MHRC For attorneys interested…

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Refugee Immigrant Child Health Initiative

REFUGEE IMMIGRANT CHILD HEALTH INITIATIVE (RICHI) Founded in 2017 with the mission of improving the quality of care for our immigrant patients and their families. Educational Presentations Human Rights and Children’s Health: A Multilink Bond November 16, 2022 Presenter: Vidya Ramanathan, MD The presentation reviews human rights and child rights broadly, human rights violations in…

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Member News & Resources Illinois Pediatrician Illinois Pediatrician is a publication for ICAAP members and is published twice yearly. Some of the topics in these issues include project reports, clinical updates, advocacy overviews, and more. Please contact Cindy Ogrin if you have suggested topics and are interested in submitting an article. Winter 2024 Edition ICAAPlets…

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Learning Management System

ICAAP’s Learning Management System Visit ICAAP’s Learning Management System (Remote Learner) See ICAAP’s 2024/2025 Course Catalog ICAAP’s web-based learning management system (LMS) is your toolkit for practice improvement. Through the ICAAP’s e-learning courses, you can track improvements as a practice and use your data to negotiate reimbursement or to qualify for incentives while pursuing the…

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Donate Now

Support ICAAP ICAAP does so much to support children’s access to healthcare in our state, but ICAAP membership dues support only 20% of the mission – help us fund the gap. Make a donation to ICAAP so we can continue the momentum to make children’s health a priority.   Make your donation today Shop our…

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ABC Conference

ABC CONFERENCE The ABC Conference focuses on broad landscape of services and programs that are available to support children with special needs from birth through childhood, and develop skills to make effective referrals and partner with other agencies and systems. The 11th Annual ABC Conference was held virtually on Friday, March 26, 2021 from 8am-1pm.…

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